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Hikari Orchestrator#

A cute lil tool for orchestrating separate Hikari shard clusters.


Subprocess Bot#

Hikari Orchestrator can be used to shard a bot across multiple local threads on a single system. This uses subprocesses to allow the child bots to run in parallel.

def create_bot(bot: hikari.GatewayBotAware) -> None:

hikari_orchestrator.run_subprocesses(os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"], callback=create_bot)

Here we provide the bot's token and a callback which'll be called to setup each subprocesses' separate bot instance.

intents can also be passed to run_subprocesses to specify the intended gateway intents.


Since the callback is passed to child processes it needs to be picklable.

hikari_orchestrator run --entrypoint module.path:func --token "Bot.Token"

Subprocess bots can also be created using the hikari_orchestrator run (hor run for short) CLI command.

This CLI command has two required arguments:

  • --entrypoint/-ep (ORCHESTRATOR_ENTRYPOINT): Path to the function which will be called with each initialised hikari.GatewayBotAware object. This must be in the format of {module_path}:{function_name}.
  • token (DISCORD_TOKEN): The bot's Discord token. It's recommended that you provide this via its env variable rather than as a CLI argument.

And several optional arguments:

  • --intents (ORCHESTRATOR_INTENTS): The gateway intents the bot should declare. This defaults to ALL_UNPRIVILEGED and supports passing either the raw integer flag or a |-separated list of intent names as defined by hikari.Intents (e.g. "GUILD_MEMBERS|GUILD_MODERATION").
  • --shard-count (ORCHESTRATOR_SHARD_COUNT): The amount of shards the bot's going to havev. Defaults to Discord's recommended amount.
  • --log-level (LOG_LEVEL): Name of the logging level the bot should use. Defaults to "INFO".
  • --process-count (ORCHESTRATOR_PROCESS_COUNT): The amount of subprocesses to spread the bot over. Default's to the system's CPU thread count.
  • --entrypoint-dir (ORCHESTRATOR_ENTRYPOINT_DIR): The folder to look for the entrypoint's module in by adding it to PYTHONPATH. Defaults to the current working directory.

These arguments can also be provided using the environment variables which are shown in brackets (including as part of a .env file).

Distributed Bot#

On a larger scale Hikari Orchestrator can also be used to manage shards across different machines.

For this you'll want to first start up an Orchestrator server using the hikari_orchestrator server (hor server for short) CLI command or using run_server:

hikari_orchestrator server tcp://localhost:6969 --token "Bot.Token"

This CLI command has two required arguments:

  • (ORCHESTRATOR_ADDRESS): The server's host address is the only positional argument. TCP will be used if no scheme is included and more information on the supported schemes can be found here.
  • --token (DISCORD_TOKEN): The Discord bot token for the bot being orchestrated. It's recommended that you provide this via its env variable rather than as a CLI argument.

And several optional arguments:

  • --intents (ORCHESTRATOR_INTENTS): The gateway intents the bot should declare. This defaults to ALL_UNPRIVILEGED and supports passing either the raw integer flag or a |-separated list of intent names as defined by hikari.Intents (e.g. "GUILD_MEMBERS|GUILD_MODERATION").
  • --shard-count (ORCHESTRATOR_SHARD_COUNT): The amount of shards the bot's going to have. Defaults to Discord's recommended amount.
  • --log-level (LOG_LEVEL): Name of the logging level the server should use. Defaults to "INFO".
  • --ca-cert & --private-key (ORCHESTRATOR_CA_CERT & ORCHESTRATOR_PRIVATE_KEY): Paths to the unencrypted PEM keys which act as the certificate authority and private key for the server to use to SSL encrypt TCP connections.

These arguments can also be provided using the environment variables which are shown in brackets (including as part of a .env file).

bot = hikari_orchestrator.Bot("localhost:6969", os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"], local_shard_count=1)


Then you need to startup some child bot instances. For this you'll use Orchestrator's Bot implementation of GatewayBotAware which needs to be given the Orchestrator server's address and the bot's token but otherwise can be used just like the standard gateway bot. local_shard_count indicates how many shards the bot instance should try to startup.


To use SSL encryption for TCP connections you'll need to pass the unencrypted certificate authority PEM as bytes to Bot.__init__ as ca_cert=bytes.